India’s master storyteller Debankan Das is back with his new fantasy tale, “The Magician’s Time Loop.” His previous supernatural thriller novel, “The curse,” was...
Adrija Choudhury is a psychic healer, tarot card reader, and numerologist from Bongaigaon, Assam. She uses psychic healing to help everyone advance in their...
The ‘International Centre for Cultural Excellence (ICCE)’ is excited to announce the launch of its Piano course ‘Fingers on Keys’ for children aged 6-18...
A.G.L. (Advanced Growth Learning) organized the INDIAN ICON AWARDS -2022 virtual edition where 200+ Participants had been Selected in various categories like Business, Art,...
Famous Bollywood Actress Sonali Bendre at the Award ceremony of the Industry Leader Awards in New Delhi felicitated Chef Amitabhh Dutta with the Master...
Krishnakumarsinhji Gohil's efforts to study "Faliya education" again came true and started the work of teaching with board Drownings the traditional way in the...