Thu, 27 Mar 2025 02:03:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 ‘Tere Liye’: Raajeev Walia Launches Stunning New Talent Diksha Pandey in a Soulful Musical Masterpiece Thu, 27 Mar 2025 02:03:23 +0000 Bollywood introduces a captivating new talent, Diksha Pandey, a stunning model-actress from Raipur with a distinguished family background. Renowned filmmaker Raajeev Walia, celebrated for his technical expertise and visually striking storytelling, has launched Diksha in his latest music video, Tere Liye. TERE LIYE is a soulful composition by Sufiyan Bhatt, the genius behind the chart-topping […]

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Bollywood introduces a captivating new talent, Diksha Pandey, a stunning model-actress from Raipur with a distinguished family background. Renowned filmmaker Raajeev Walia, celebrated for his technical expertise and visually striking storytelling, has launched Diksha in his latest music video, Tere Liye.

TERE LIYE is a soulful composition by Sufiyan Bhatt, the genius behind the chart-topping hit Rangrez (Wadali Brothers). During his search for fresh faces, Mr. Walia made a last-minute call to Diksha, and as they say, the magic began!

Adding to the charm of the video is the dashing Hamdh Khan, alongside heartfelt lyrics by Sufiyan Bhatt and mesmerizing vocals by the talented Chintan Bakiwala and Aishwarya Pandit.

What truly sets Tere Liye apart is its cinematic excellence, gripping storyline, and a groundbreaking one-minute climax—a first in Bollywood music video history!

Produced under SPP PRODUCTIONS, the video has been released on CB Rockstar Official, with Devendra Parab as the Executive Producer and action sequences managed by Iqbal Suleman.

Diksha Pandey’s debut marks the rise of an exciting new star in Bollywood—someone who is bound to make waves!

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एनिमेटेड फिल्म “बिलाल”, 30 मार्च को MASK TV OTT पर होगी रिलीज Wed, 26 Mar 2025 12:25:53 +0000 मुंबई 26 मार्च 2025: टैग प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बनी हिंदी में फिल्म “बिलाल”, 30 मार्च को मास्क टीवी ओटीटी MASK TV OTT पर रिलीज होगी। यह फिल्ममुक्त इथियोपियाई गुलाम बिलाल इब्न राबाह की हज़ार साल पुरानी कहानी बताती है, जो इस्लाम के पहले मुअज़्ज़िन और पैगंबर मुहम्मद के करीबी सलाहकार बन गए। अयमान जमाल […]

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मुंबई 26 मार्च 2025: टैग प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बनी हिंदी में फिल्म “बिलाल”, 30 मार्च को मास्क टीवी ओटीटी MASK TV OTT पर रिलीज होगी। यह फिल्ममुक्त इथियोपियाई गुलाम बिलाल इब्न राबाह की हज़ार साल पुरानी कहानी बताती है, जो इस्लाम के पहले मुअज़्ज़िन और पैगंबर मुहम्मद के करीबी सलाहकार बन गए। अयमान जमाल द्वारा लिखित इस फिल्म में अभिनेता एडवाले अकिन्नुये-अगबाजे, जैकब लैटिमर, इयान मैकशेन और चाइना ऐनी मैकक्लेन ने मुख्य भूमिकाएं निभाई हैं, तथा सभी ने फिल्म के मुख्य पात्रों को अपनी आवाज दी है। इस फिल्म के निर्देशक खुर्रम एच अल्वी है। इस फिल्म को पूरा करने में कुल आठ वर्ष लगे और लगभग 250 एनिमेटरों की टीम लगी।

फिल्म के निर्माता अंजू भट्ट और चिरंजीवी भट्ट ने बताया की ईद के मौके पर फिल्म ”बिलाल” 30 मार्च 2025 को मास्क टीवी ओटीटी पर रिलीज़ होगी। यह फिल्म पैगंबर मोहम्मद के इस्लाम मजहब की स्थापना के साथ मूर्ति पूजा छोड़ इस्लाम स्वीकार करने वाले अबीसीनिया मूल के गुलाम बिलाल की मीठी , दिल को छूने वाली आवाज को पहली अज़ान के लिए चुना गया। छठी सदी में मक्का के हेजाज़ में पैदा हुए हब्शी गुलाम हज़रत बिलाल कैसे हुए यह कहानी है एनिमेटेड फिल्म ”बिलाल ए न्यू ब्रीड ऑफ़ हीरो” ! फिल्म के निर्देशक खुर्रम एच अल्वी ने कड़ी मेहनत कर एक अच्छी मनोरंजक फिल्म का निर्देशन किया है। यह फिल्म पैगंबर मोहम्मद के इस्लाम मजहब की स्थापना के साथ मूर्ति पूजा छोड़ इस्लाम स्वीकार करने वाले अबीसीनिया मूल के गुलाम बिलाल की मीठी ,दिल को छूने वाली आवाज को पहली अज़ान के लिए चुना गया। छठी सदी में मक्का के हेजाज़ में पैदा हुए हब्शी गुलाम हज़रत बिलाल कैसे हुए यह कहानी है एनिमेटेड फिल्म ”बिलाल ए न्यू ब्रीड ऑफ़ हीरो”।

मास्क टीवी ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म हर बार कुछ हटकर कुछ अलग स्ट्रीम करने के लिए चैंपियन रहा है चाहे वह ट्रांसजेंडर्स को लेकर ख़ूबसूरत शो प्रोजेक्ट एंजेल्स रहा हो जिसे युवा निर्देशक मानसी भट्ट का 22 वर्ष की आयु में किया गया एक साहसी प्रयोग कह सकते हैं। मिशन सेवेन्टी ,लीच नुक्कड़ ,समलैंगिक संबंधों के भँवर जाल को उधेड़ता डबल शेड्स, समाज की विसंगतियों को उजागर करती प्रथा,भूख कहानी एक जानवर की , बुरहान जैसे आतंकी पर बोल्ड सीरीज बुरहान हीरो या विलेन हो अथवा भलेसा में भले लोगों की पहचान घाटी के बुरे दौर में मास्क टीवी ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म ने हर बार अपने मास्क बदले हैं उतारे हैं ,चढ़ाए हैं।

आजमगढ़ के आतंकी मौलाना का किरदार निभाने वाले पंकज त्रिपाठी हों या रगड़ भसड़ ,रक्त नीति,पूरब के भसड़ बाज़ की शीबा चड्ढा या फिर लीच ,भलेसा,मिशन सेवेन्टी में अलग किरदारों को बखूबी निभाने वाले मीर सरवर यहाँ कलाकार कलाकृति ,क्रिएटिविटी सब कुछ है। फिल्म हिन्दुत्व के ज़रिए हिन्दू धर्म के प्रति बायस का एक्सपोज़र हो या सोचने के लिए मजबूर करने वाले बॉडी लैंग्वेज, बेबाक जैसे शोज़ यह प्लेटफार्म डटा है मनोरंजन और विचारों के अनुरंजन का समायोजन करता इस कड़ी में मध्य पूर्व की यह एनीमेटेड फिल्म ”बिलाल” जिसे लगभग 350 करोड़ रुपए की लागत से बनाया गया । अंग्रेज़ी में जिसके किरदारों के लिए बॉलीवुड के कई नामी कलाकारों ने आवाज दी जिसे 40 इस्लामिक मुल्कों ने अभी पूरी तरह देखा भी नहीं भारत के यूजर्स के लिए इसे हिंदी और अन्य तमिल बांग्ला तेलुगु मलयालम आदि भाषाओं में डब करने वाले निर्माता डॉ अंजु भट्ट और चिरंजीवी भट्ट मीठी ईद के तोहफ़े के रूप में यूजर्स के लिए ईद के दिन मास्क टीवी ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म के जरिये स्ट्रीम करने जा रहे हैं। आजकल के दौर में हिंदू मुस्लिम एकता के प्रतीक के तौर पर हिन्दुत्व और अब फिल्म ”बिलाल ए न्यू ब्रीड ऑफ़ हीरो” एक मील का पत्थर साबित हो सकता है।

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Drafto’s Unjust Suspension: A Tale of Innovation, Struggle, and Hope. Mon, 24 Mar 2025 14:36:17 +0000 The Rise of Drafto Drafto started as a simple yet powerful vision—an app that would allow small business owners to create high-quality posters and graphics for free. Founded by two childhood friends, Ashwani Sharma and Manohar Das, Drafto quickly gained popularity among users who could not afford premium design tools. Within just two months, the […]

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The Rise of Drafto

Drafto started as a simple yet powerful vision—an app that would allow small business owners to create high-quality posters and graphics for free. Founded by two childhood friends, Ashwani Sharma and Manohar Das, Drafto quickly gained popularity among users who could not afford premium design tools. Within just two months, the app surpassed 2 lakh downloads, proving its immense value in the market. However, this rapid success drew unwanted attention from established players like Kutumb , who viewed Drafto as a direct threat to their subscription-based business model. What followed was a calculated series of attacks aimed at eliminating Drafto from the competition.

Legal Hurdles and Trademark Disputes

The first strike against Drafto came in the form of a trademark infringement notice. Kutumb alleged that Drafto was a clone of their app, despite Ashwani and Manohar developing the platform independently. The accusation was baseless, but legal battles required money, and the two friends had limited resources. While they were willing to rebrand to avoid conflict, they were not prepared for what came next. On the day of Holi, instead of granting them time to change the app’s name, Kutumb pushed for an immediate takedown. This aggressive move made it clear that the larger corporation was not seeking fairness but rather the complete removal of Drafto from the market.

The Digital Assault on Drafto

As Ashwani and Manohar tried to find a solution, Kutumb escalated its tactics. The company’s legal team began filing copyright claims against Drafto across multiple platforms, leading to YouTube video takedowns and an increase in negative reports on the Play Store. The app, once celebrated for empowering small businesses, was now under attack through fabricated allegations. The duo found themselves fighting a battle on multiple fronts—legal, technical, and reputational. Without a proper legal team to counter these claims, Drafto became increasingly vulnerable. The unfair targeting of a rising startup by an established company highlighted the challenges small innovators face in the tech industry.

The Final Blow – Play Store Suspension

Despite the struggles, Ashwani and Manohar refused to back down. They complied with every request and worked tirelessly to maintain Drafto’s presence. However, Kutumb played its final card by filing a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaint with Google. On March 17, 2025, Drafto was suspended from the Play Store under alleged copyright infringement—claims that Ashwani and Manohar firmly believe to be false. Unlike in India, where legal battles are drawn out, global tech giants like Google act swiftly on DMCA complaints, often without verifying their legitimacy. This led to Drafto’s abrupt removal, leaving its founders and thousands of users in shock.

The Fight for Justice

The suspension of Drafto was not just a setback for its founders but also for small business owners who relied on the app. Ashwani and Manohar knew they couldn’t fight this battle alone. While large corporations have the money and influence to manipulate the system, startups depend on the power of community support. With legal fees beyond their reach, they turned to fellow entrepreneurs, developers, and industry experts for guidance. Their story resonated with many, shedding light on the unfair dominance of big players who use legal loopholes to crush emerging competition. The fight was no longer just about one app—it became about standing up for innovation and fairness in the digital world.

The Road Ahead for Drafto

Despite the immense challenges, Ashwani and Manohar remain determined to bring Drafto back. They are actively seeking legal assistance, startup community backing, and media coverage to challenge this unjust takedown. The tech industry thrives on innovation, and stifling new ideas through legal intimidation is a threat to progress. If Drafto can return, it will not only mark a victory for its founders but also serve as a lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs facing similar challenges. As Ashwani puts it, “This battle is far from over.” With resilience, support, and unwavering determination, Drafto’s story is still being written.



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इंटरटेक ने बिल्ड भारत एक्सपो 2025 में किया मार्कोनाइट अर्थिंग सॉल्यूशन का प्रदर्शन, उद्योगों को सशक्त बनाने पर जोर Sun, 23 Mar 2025 15:34:20 +0000 नई दिल्ली: इंटरटेक, जो अर्थिंग सॉल्यूशंस इंडस्ट्री में एक विश्वसनीय नाम है, ने 19 से 21 मार्च 2025 तक भारत मंडपम, प्रगति मैदान, नई दिल्ली में आयोजित बिल्ड भारत एक्सपो 2025 में सफलतापूर्वक भाग लिया। इस आयोजन ने इंटरटेक को अपनी विश्वस्तरीय अर्थिंग तकनीक प्रदर्शित करने का उत्कृष्ट मंच प्रदान किया, जिससे कंपनी ने विद्युत […]

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नई दिल्ली: इंटरटेक, जो अर्थिंग सॉल्यूशंस इंडस्ट्री में एक विश्वसनीय नाम है, ने 19 से 21 मार्च 2025 तक भारत मंडपम, प्रगति मैदान, नई दिल्ली में आयोजित बिल्ड भारत एक्सपो 2025 में सफलतापूर्वक भाग लिया।

इस आयोजन ने इंटरटेक को अपनी विश्वस्तरीय अर्थिंग तकनीक प्रदर्शित करने का उत्कृष्ट मंच प्रदान किया, जिससे कंपनी ने विद्युत सुरक्षा और नवाचार के प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता को और मजबूत किया। 15 से अधिक वर्षों के अनुभव के साथ, इंटरटेक ने अपनी उन्नत और विश्वसनीय अर्थिंग सॉल्यूशंस का प्रदर्शन किया, जो विद्युत प्रतिष्ठानों में सुरक्षा और प्रदर्शन को बढ़ाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं। कंपनी ने टिकाऊ और प्रभावी अर्थिंग सिस्टम की आवश्यकता पर जोर दिया, जिसमें मार्कोनाइट को प्रमुखता दी गई—यह दुनिया का सबसे अच्छा कंडक्टिव एग्रीगेट है, जो विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में लोगों और उपकरणों को विद्युत दोषों से बचाने में सहायक है।

इंटरटेक दिल्ली के पार्टनर, श्री गुरमोहित सिंह ने कहा, “हमारा मुख्य फोकस हमेशा सुरक्षा और नवाचार पर रहा है। अपने समाधान के माध्यम से, हमने उद्योगों और व्यक्तियों को प्रभावी अर्थिंग के महत्व और विद्युत खतरों को रोकने में इसकी भूमिका के बारे में जागरूक करने का प्रयास किया।”

राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकॉर्ड ब्यूरो (NCRB) के आंकड़ों का हवाला देते हुए, जिसमें पिछले एक दशक में 1,00,000 से अधिक विद्युत दुर्घटनाओं से हुई मौतों की रिपोर्ट दी गई है, इंटरटेक ने विश्वसनीय अर्थिंग समाधान की अनिवार्यता पर बल दिया। मार्कोनाइट अर्थिंग सिस्टम, जो 50 वर्षों से अधिक की स्थायित्व अवधि के लिए जाना जाता है, स्टेप और टच वोल्टेज से सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है और औद्योगिक व आवासीय अनुप्रयोगों के लिए एक आदर्श समाधान है।

मार्कोनाइट सिर्फ एक सामग्री नहीं, बल्कि जटिल विद्युत प्रणालियों के लिए सुरक्षा और दक्षता सुनिश्चित करने वाला एक क्रांतिकारी समाधान है।

इंटरटेक के भरोसेमंद समाधान पहले ही इंडियन ऑयल कॉर्प, पीजीसीआईएल, टाटा स्टील, भारतीय वायु सेना, और अदाणी पावर जैसे प्रतिष्ठित ग्राहकों द्वारा अपनाए जा चुके हैं, जिससे फॉल्ट करंट के लिए कम प्रतिबाधा मार्ग (लो-इम्पीडेंस पाथवे) सुनिश्चित किए जा सके और विद्युत जोखिमों को काफी हद तक कम किया जा सके।

इंटरटेक के डायरेक्टर, श्री चरनजीत सिंह ने कहा, “हम सिर्फ अत्याधुनिक समाधान प्रदान करने तक सीमित नहीं हैं, बल्कि अर्थिंग सुरक्षा के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाना भी हमारा कर्तव्य है। इंटरटेक में, हम उद्योगों को सही तकनीक और ज्ञान से सशक्त बनाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं, ताकि विद्युत दुर्घटनाओं को रोका जा सके।”

बिल्ड भारत एक्सपो 2025 में इंटरटेक की भागीदारी ने एक बार फिर इसके ग्राहक-केंद्रित दृष्टिकोण को मजबूत किया, जिससे 99% ग्राहक प्रतिधारण दर सुनिश्चित हुई। कंपनी की विशेषज्ञ टीम पूरे भारत में पावर स्टेशनों, अस्पतालों और औद्योगिक प्रतिष्ठानों को उच्च-गुणवत्ता वाली अर्थिंग सॉल्यूशंस और उत्कृष्ट समर्थन प्रदान करना जारी रखेगी।

अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाएं:

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Fit India Movement Event Successfully Organized at Heritage Global School, Iqbalpur, Roorkee Sat, 22 Mar 2025 02:45:51 +0000 Sportal Corporate, in collaboration with Heritage Global School, Iqbalpur, Roorkee, successfully organized a three-day event under the Fit India Movement initiative from 18th to 20th March 2025. The event was designed to motivate students towards physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle through systematic exercise, small games, and competitions. With the active participation of 700 students, […]

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Sportal Corporate, in collaboration with Heritage Global School, Iqbalpur, Roorkee, successfully organized a three-day event under the Fit India Movement initiative from 18th to 20th March 2025. The event was designed to motivate students towards physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle through systematic exercise, small games, and competitions. With the active participation of 700 students, the event was a huge success. The program aimed at including practical practice sessions, class room theory lectures, and game-based sporting exercises to facilitate the overall involvement of fitness.

The event was begun with an inauguration ceremony, preluding the excitement of an interactive three-day fitness drive. The Heritage Global School Principal warmly welcomed all the students, instructors, and invited guests and accentuated the importance of fitness and a fit way of living. The address brought to the fore the vision of Fit India Movement and the role of the students in using it to achieve a culture of fitness. Ms. Lovili gave a thought-provoking introduction to the Fit India Movement and its significance in achieving the culture of fitness among the students. The session was about the ill effects of living a sedentary life and the many advantages of incorporating physical activity into one’s daily routine.

The Oath Ceremony conducted by Ms. Lovili and Mr. Devrishi was an important aspect where every participant took a serious fitness oath, vowing to adhere to a disciplined and active way of life. This was followed by a guided yoga and aerobics session led by Ms. Lovili and Mr. Devrishi to improve flexibility, strength, and awareness. The session included breathing exercises, stretching poses, and relaxation to enhance concentration and overall health. A theoretical session on wellness and fitness was also led by Dr. Gaurav Pant and Ms. Lovili, where students were taught the scientific principles of physical well-being, nutrition, and mental health. This session was extremely interactive, enabling students to ask questions and contribute their ideas about how to lead a healthy life.

The second day of the event focused on physical activities, with students engaging in various minor games that promoted agility, coordination, and teamwork. These activities were designed to be both enjoyable and challenging, ensuring maximum student participation. The highlight of the day was a competitive volleyball match where students displayed remarkable team spirit and sportsmanship, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and perseverance in sports.

Day three was the final day, with more small games organized to keep students active and stimulated, with the aim of building motor skills, rapid reflexes, and stamina. There was a thrilling football match played, bringing excitement and competitiveness among players and spectators alike. Students gave exemplary performances, as they demonstrated their passion for the game and their interest in it.

The event ended with a valedictory ceremony, in which the winners of different challenges and competitions were conferred certificates and awards by Dr. Gaurav Pant. The awards and certificates acted as a source of motivation for others to include fitness into their lives. A sincere vote of thanks was given to the participants, teachers, organizers, and volunteers for making the Fit India Movement event a huge success. Special thanks were offered to Sportal Corporate and Heritage Global School management for the ever-preaching support in maintaining the smooth conduct of the event.

The Fit India Movement event at Heritage Global School, Iqbalpur, Roorkee, was a wonderful initiative in motivating students to adopt a healthier and active lifestyle. The event properly integrated physical exercises, theoretical knowledge, and competitive sports atmosphere. The overwhelmingly positive attendance of 700 students reaffirmed the mounting consciousness and dedication towards fitness, and hence the event marked a milestone in propagating health and wellness. Sportal Corporate is committed to staging such events in the future as well, as it continues to spread the awareness of fitness among the youth and propagates a culture of health and well-being.

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Affordable AC Repairs on the Rise in Metro Cities: SuperSavvy Leads the Way Thu, 20 Mar 2025 14:52:13 +0000 Mumbai– As summer temperatures soar, homeowners and businesses in metro cities are increasingly turning to cost-effective AC repair services to beat the heat. Amidst soaring demands, SuperSavvy is emerging as the go-to provider for affordable and reliable air conditioner servicing across major cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Pune. Rising Demand for AC Repair Services […]

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Mumbai– As summer temperatures soar, homeowners and businesses in metro cities are increasingly turning to cost-effective AC repair services to beat the heat. Amidst soaring demands, SuperSavvy is emerging as the go-to provider for affordable and reliable air conditioner servicing across major cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Pune.

Rising Demand for AC Repair Services

With the summer heat intensifying, even minor glitches in air conditioning systems can lead to significant discomfort. Common issues such as reduced cooling efficiency, gas leakage, and compressor failures have driven many consumers to seek immediate and professional repair services. Industry experts note that regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of an AC but also helps prevent unexpected breakdowns during peak summer.

“Timely servicing is crucial. In the midst of a heatwave, a malfunctioning AC can disrupt daily life and business operations,” said a spokesperson from SuperSavvy. “Our mission is to provide fast, transparent, and affordable repairs so that our customers can enjoy uninterrupted cooling.”

How SuperSavvy Stands Out

SuperSavvy has quickly become synonymous with quality and affordability in the AC repair market, thanks to its robust network of experienced technicians and commitment to customer satisfaction. Key aspects of their service include:

• Transparent Pricing: No hidden charges—customers receive clear quotes upfront.

• Quick Response: Same-day on-site servicing ensures minimal downtime.

• Comprehensive Repair Solutions: From gas refilling and cooling restoration to compressor and motor repairs, SuperSavvy handles all aspects of AC maintenance.

• Service Across Metro Cities: With operations spanning Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Pune, SuperSavvy is well-equipped to handle the diverse needs of urban consumers.

A Sustainable, Cost-Effective Choice

In addition to offering significant cost savings compared to purchasing new systems, choosing SuperSavvy contributes to sustainability by reducing electronic waste. Their commitment to refurbishing and repairing air conditioners helps extend the life of existing units, promoting an eco-friendly approach to modern living.

Preparing for the Summer Heat

As the heat continues to intensify, experts recommend that consumers schedule regular AC maintenance before their units fail. With SuperSavvy’s proven track record of dependable service, now is the perfect time to ensure your AC is ready to tackle the soaring temperatures.

For those seeking reliable and affordable AC repair services in Mumbai and other metro cities, SuperSavvy offers a compelling solution.

To learn more or to book a service, visit SuperSavvy’s website.

Link :


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How to Choose the Right Tablecloth for Your Event Wed, 19 Mar 2025 06:02:17 +0000 When planning an event, every detail matters—from the floral arrangements to the lighting. But one element that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves is the humble tablecloth. The right tablecloth doesn’t just protect your tables; it sets the tone for your entire event. Whether you’re hosting a wedding, corporate gala, birthday party, or trade […]

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When planning an event, every detail matters—from the floral arrangements to the lighting. But one element that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves is the humble tablecloth. The right tablecloth doesn’t just protect your tables; it sets the tone for your entire event.

Whether you’re hosting a wedding, corporate gala, birthday party, or trade show, choosing the perfect tablecloth can elevate aesthetics, reinforce your brand, and leave a lasting impression.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to select the ideal tablecloth for your needs—and why opting for a custom logo tablecloth from can take your event from ordinary to extraordinary.

  1. Start With Size: Measure Your Tables

The first step in choosing a tablecloth is understanding your table dimensions. A tablecloth that’s too small looks unprofessional, while one that’s too large can overwhelm the space. Here’s how to get it right:

  • Know Your Table Shape and Size: Round, rectangular, and square tables all require different measurements. For example, a standard 6-foot rectangular banquet table is 72” long x 30” wide.
  • Determine the Drop Length: The “drop” refers to how much the fabric hangs over the edge. A casual event might use a 6–10” drop, while formal events often opt for a luxurious 30” floor-length drape.
  • Use a Formula: For rectangular tables, calculate the cloth length as:
    Table Length + (2 x Desired Drop).
     For round tables:
    Table Diameter + (2 x Desired Drop).

At, we offer custom sizing to ensure a perfect fit for any table, including specialty shapes.

  1. Select the Right Material

Tablecloths come in a variety of fabrics, each suited to different events and practical needs:

  • Polyester: Durable, wrinkle-resistant, and budget-friendly, polyester is ideal for high-traffic events like conferences or weddings. It’s easy to clean and holds vibrant colors well—perfect for logo embroidery or printing.
  • Cotton or Linen: These natural fibers offer a crisp, elegant look for upscale dinners or garden parties. However, they wrinkle easily and may require ironing.
  • Vinyl or Plastic: Practical for outdoor events, kids’ parties, or messy buffets, these wipe-clean materials prioritize functionality over style.
  • Satin or Silk: Reserved for ultra-luxurious events, these fabrics add shimmer but demand careful handling.

For branded events, polyester is often the best choice. It’s durable enough to withstand repeated use, and its smooth surface ensures logos look sharp. At, our tablecloth with Logo use premium polyester that’s both stain-resistant and machine-washable, making them a smart investment for businesses.

  1. Choose Colors and Patterns Strategically

Color psychology plays a huge role in event design. Your tablecloth should align with your theme, season, or brand identity:

  • Match the Event Theme: Soft pastels work for baby showers, while metallic gold or silver adds glamour to holiday parties.
  • Consider Brand Colors: Corporate events should incorporate company colors to reinforce brand recognition. A custom logo tablecloth with your brand’s palette makes your booth or dining area instantly identifiable.
  • Seasonal Hues: Earthy tones for fall, bright shades for summer—seasonal colors create a cohesive aesthetic.
  • Patterns vs. Solids: Subtle patterns (like damask or stripes) add texture without overwhelming the space. Solids keep the focus on centerpieces or branding.

Pro Tip: If you’re adding a logo, opt for a solid background color that contrasts with your logo for maximum visibility.

  1. Style Matters: Formal, Casual, or Themed

The formality of your event dictates the tablecloth style:

  • Formal Events: Floor-length linens in neutral tones (ivory, black, navy) paired with cloth napkins and fine china.
  • Casual Gatherings: Shorter drops, bright colors, or playful patterns for birthdays or picnics.
  • Themed Events: Hawaiian luau? Go bold with tropical prints. Rustic wedding? Burlap or lace accents add charm.

But what if your event is your brand? Trade shows, product launches, and corporate dinners demand a professional yet memorable look. This is where a logo tablecloth shines. By embedding your logo into the design, you turn every table into a marketing tool.

  1. Why a Logo Tablecloth Is a Game-Changer

Your logo isn’t just a graphic—it’s your identity. Incorporating it into your tablecloth design offers unique advantages:

  • Brand Visibility: Attendees will spot your logo from across the room, whether it’s embroidered, printed, or heat-transferred onto the fabric.
  • Professionalism: Custom-branded linens signal attention to detail and elevate your company’s image.
  • Versatility: Use them repeatedly at trade shows, conferences, or office events, ensuring consistent branding.
  • Conversation Starter: A striking logo tablecloth invites questions and engagement, helping you network effortlessly.

At, we specialize in creating high-quality logo tablecloths tailored to your specifications. Choose from embroidery (ideal for subtle elegance) or full-color printing (perfect for complex logos). Our team works with you to ensure colors, sizing, and placement align perfectly with your vision.

  1. Care and Maintenance Tips

Protect your investment with proper care:

  • Machine-wash polyester tablecloths in cold water and tumble dry on low.
  • Store them neatly folded or rolled to avoid creases.
  • For vinyl, wipe with a damp cloth and avoid abrasive cleaners.

Logo tablecloths from are designed to withstand frequent use while maintaining their vibrant appearance.

Final Thoughts: Make Your Tablecloth Work for You

A tablecloth is more than a piece of fabric—it’s an opportunity to impress guests, communicate your brand, and create a cohesive atmosphere. By considering size, material, color, and style, you’ll select a tablecloth that enhances your event’s success.

But if you truly want to stand out, a custom logo tablecloth from is the ultimate solution. Perfect for businesses, nonprofits, or even personalized weddings, our tablecloths combine practicality with branding power.

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SS Thaman Promises a Blockbuster Soundtrack for Prabhas’ The Rajasaab: “No Room for Anything Less Than the Best” Tue, 18 Mar 2025 14:44:49 +0000 Renowned music composer SS Thaman is gearing up to deliver yet another chart-topping soundtrack, this time for Prabhas’ highly anticipated film, The Rajasaab. Sharing insights into the project, Thaman revealed, “We have started composing songs now.” Unlike traditional film music production, where tracks are locked before shooting, The Rajasaab follows a unique approach, allowing Thaman […]

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Renowned music composer SS Thaman is gearing up to deliver yet another chart-topping soundtrack, this time for Prabhas’ highly anticipated film, The Rajasaab.

Sharing insights into the project, Thaman revealed, “We have started composing songs now.” Unlike traditional film music production, where tracks are locked before shooting, The Rajasaab follows a unique approach, allowing Thaman the creative liberty to refine his compositions throughout the process.

Explaining why he prefers this method, Thaman stated, “Prabhas sir is making a comeback with commercial songs after a long time. His soundtrack includes an intro song, a melody, a high-energy dance number, and a love song that serves as the film’s theme.”

With massive expectations surrounding the film’s music, Thaman is determined to craft an exceptional album. “The audio company has invested around ₹30-40 crore, so the songs need to resonate with audiences across India, especially in the Hindi market. Since Prabhas is returning to a commercial space, I had to give it my all—there’s no room for anything less than the best,” he emphasized.

Beyond The Rajasaab, Thaman is also composing for Jaat, starring Sunny Deol, set to release on April 10. Additionally, he’s working on OG, the much-awaited Pawan Kalyan starrer, promising a power-packed soundtrack to match the film’s intensity.

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Spot Welding Machine Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:55:00 +0000 Leading the industry with cutting-edge solutions custom made for automotive, aerospace, electronics, industrial manufacturing, and more, Mechelonic Engineers has always overcome challenges in advanced technology welding. With their innovative approach, Mechelonic Engineers’Spot Welding Machine is a machine unlike any other, integrating precision, efficiency, and durability. High-Grade Features for Spot-Welding Performance Optimization: Achieving the goal of […]

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Leading the industry with cutting-edge solutions custom made for automotive, aerospace, electronics, industrial manufacturing, and more, Mechelonic Engineers has always overcome challenges in advanced technology welding. With their innovative approach, Mechelonic Engineers’Spot Welding Machine is a machine unlike any other, integrating precision, efficiency, and durability.

High-Grade Features for Spot-Welding Performance Optimization:

Achieving the goal of superior weld strength while maintaining high productivity, low heat distortion, and exceptional integrity are advanced features that detect required parameters and are integrated with cutting edge resistance welding technology offered by Mechelonic Engineers. This makes the Spot-Welding Machine is perfect for a range of applications from fabricating components for automobiles to electronic assembly.

Key Features of Our Welding Machines: 

  • Advanced durability and dependability in industrial applications while ensuring precision and controlled heat welds with minimal electrode wear are the results of high-precision welding.
  • Premium grade materials guarantee lack of need for frequent repairs and assurance of robust construction will mitigate operational downtime thus increasing productivity.
  • Intelligent welding controls optimized for enhanced efficiency drastically reduce expenditures via minimized power consumption.
  • Allowing for a Power Boosting Expenditure Cut While Maximizing Returns policy, Programmable control ensures ease of operation paired with automated welding settings.
  • Ensuring a diverse range of applications aswell as superior performance for non ferrous metals composed of aluminium, stainless steel and mild steel.

Why Mechelonic Engineers?

As a remarkable innovation leader in resistance welding technology, Mechelonic Engineers lives up to its name with great quality and customer tailored services. Our weld experts make sure that each of the spot welding machines is globally compliant so that clients receive value for their investment.

Industries We Serve: 

  • Automotive & Transportation – Accurate welding methods for vehicle body parts, chassis components, and structural assemblies.
  • Aerospace & Defense – Mechelonic offers reliable spot-welding machines for aircraft and defense applications.
  • Electronics & Electrical – Seamless resistance welding for circuit boards, battery packs, and electrical enclosures.
  • Metal Fabrication & Industrial Manufacturing – High-efficiency welding for a wide range of metalworking applications.
  • Spot Welding Machine for industrial-grade welding solutions.
  • Enhance your production with resistance welding solutions from Mechelonic Engineers.
  • Discover the best spot-welding machines for automotive, aerospace, and electronic applications.
  • Get precision welding technology with Mechelonic’s advanced spot-welding machines.

Visit us at :


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SSVM Bengaluru Unveils SSVM@75 Logo, Marking 75 Years of Educational Excellence Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:51:19 +0000 Bangalore, March 2024 – Sree Saraswathi Vidya Mandira (SSVM Bengaluru), a pillar of academic excellence and value-based education, has embarked on a historic journey as it celebrates 75 years of shaping young minds and empowering generations. In honor of this milestone achievement, SSVM unveiled its official SSVM@75 logo, symbolizing the institution’s rich heritage, progressive vision, […]

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Bangalore, March 2024 – Sree Saraswathi Vidya Mandira (SSVM Bengaluru), a pillar of academic excellence and value-based education, has embarked on a historic journey as it celebrates 75 years of shaping young minds and empowering generations. In honor of this milestone achievement, SSVM unveiled its official SSVM@75 logo, symbolizing the institution’s rich heritage, progressive vision, and commitment to holistic education.

This grand logo launch event marked the beginning of a year-long series of celebrations, culminating in the prestigious SSVM 75th Anniversary Event in October 2025.

The event was graced by SSVM Secretary Mr. V.S. Niranjan, Director Mrs. Y.L. Lakshmi Niranjan, and renowned educationist, Mr. Lalithkumar Gujarati. Mr. Gujarati,

A Legacy That Spans Generations.

Since its inception in 1950, SSVM has educated over 2.5 lakh students across the globe, nurturing them into leaders, innovators, and changemakers. From traditional Gurukul-inspired learning to cutting-edge AI-driven education, SSVM has remained at the forefront of academic excellence while upholding Indian values, ethics, and discipline.

The SSVM@75 logo is more than just a design—it is a symbol of resilience, knowledge, and transformation. It represents seven decades of unwavering commitment to quality education, character-building, and national service.

 Speaking at the event, Mr. V.S. Niranjan, Secretary of SSVM, shared:
“SSVM’s journey has been nothing short of remarkable. With over 2.5 lakh students having passed through our halls, we have left an indelible mark on the world. This logo is a testament to our dedication to nurturing young minds with knowledge, values, and leadership. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, we reaffirm our commitment to providing education that is deeply rooted in culture while embracing modern advancements.

 Adding to this, Mrs. Y.L. Lakshmi Niranjan, Director of SSVM, highlighted:
“Our 75-year legacy is built on a strong foundation of discipline, academic excellence, and holistic development. As we move forward, we remain committed to empowering future generations through innovative learning, technology-driven education, and strong ethical values. SSVM stands not just as an institution, but as a movement dedicated to shaping young minds and building a better tomorrow.”

She further emphasized, “Our teachers are nation builders, and through their unwavering dedication, we continue to inspire and shape future leaders who will drive progress in our society.”

SSVM@75 – A Year-Long Celebration Begins.
With the unveiling of the SSVM@75 logo, the school officially kickstarts its anniversary campaign, featuring a series of engaging events, competitions, and initiatives to honor SSVM’s past, celebrate its present, and build its future.

The SSVM@75 anniversary celebrations will be a grand occasion, uniting alumni, students, educators, and well-wishers from around the world to honor SSVM’s extraordinary legacy.

Join Us in Celebrating 75 Glorious Years of SSVM.
📌 For more details on SSVM@75 celebrations and participation :
📞 For inquiries: 080-26611725 / 080-41324223
📍 SSVM Bengaluru, #9, Vani Villas Road, V.V. Puram, Bengaluru-560004


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